nano science
It’s Simple. HEMP Absorption drives HEMP bioavailability. The more HEMP absorbed by the body, the more HEMP becomes bioavailable and is effective at the pain points. Maximizing absorption maximizes bioavailability. HEMP only works if it gets to pain points. These are HEMP facts.
ABSORBrx™ HEMP nanoparticles easily pass around and through skin cells to penetrate the five (5) skin layers. A high percentage of our HEMP nanoparticles from each topical dose are absorbed, become bioavailable and provide effective pain relief at the pain points.
It Just Makes Sense. Very small particles absorb much better than far larger particles. The average particle sizes of our creams are deep into the nanoscale. We have certified independent lab analysis proof. No other leading HEMP pain brand can claim this.
Far More HEMP Value Per Dose. ABSORBrx TM is a HEMP absorption and bioavailability breakthrough. Receive six (6) times the absorption value from each equivalent-sized dose.
Visualize the ABSORBrx TM nanoscale difference! It’s not the mg of HEMP in the container but the absorbed, bioavailable amount of HEMP from each dose.

1 0z (3g)
Topical Pain
Relief Cream
450mg Nano HEMP

nano science
It’s Simple. HEMP Absorption drives HEMP bioavailability. The more HEMP absorbed by the body, the more HEMP becomes bioavailable and is effective at the pain points. Maximizing absorption maximizes bioavailability. HEMP only works if it gets to pain points. These are HEMP facts.
ABSORBrx™ HEMP nanoparticles easily pass around and through skin cells to penetrate the five (5) skin layers. A high percentage of our HEMP nanoparticles from each topical dose are absorbed, become bioavailable and provide effective pain relief at the pain points.
It Just Makes Sense. Very small particles absorb much better than far larger particles. The average particle sizes of our creams are deep into the nanoscale. We have certified independent lab analysis proof. No other leading HEMP pain brand can claim this.
Far More HEMP Value Per Dose. ABSORBrx TM is a HEMP absorption and bioavailability breakthrough. Receive six (6) times the absorption value from each equivalent-sized dose.
Visualize the ABSORBrx TM nanoscale difference! It’s not the mg of HEMP in the container but the absorbed, bioavailable amount of HEMP from each dose.

more science,
Molecule sizes are critical to topical doses being absorbed into deeper skin layers and beyond. The untreated HEMP molecule is large (up to 5,000nm) and poorly dissolves in blood (90%+ water).
ABSORBrx™ cream combines safe, all natural, scientifically proven analgesic ingredients infused using advanced proprietary nano-HEMP science to penetrate deeply and quickly through the skin.
Our cream uses proprietary nano-HEMP and emulsion science to to penetrate quickly and deeply through the five (5) skin layers.
The nano-HEMP particles then activate CB1 and CB2 receptors found in the epidermis and dermas skin layers.
Once these receptors are activated, our customers experience fast, noticeable pain and inflammation reduction.
ABSORBrx™ achieves 60% - 90% HEMP absorption. The “Others” – HEMP oils, creams, balms and lotions only absorb at 5% to 20%. Unabsorbed HEMP flushes out of the body and is money wasted.

1 oz. (30g)
Topical Pain Relief Cream
450mg Nano Hemp